CBA is deeply rooted in the territory and, at the same time, it is a law firm with a strong international vocation. These distinctive features allow us to offer tailor-made services and consultancy to all sorts of clients, from individual entrepreneurs, multinationals, foreign investment funds up to big corporations. For several years, our Law Firm has been present in Germany, with its offices in Munich, to assist and support Italian companies that intend to invest in Germany, one of the most important economic partners in Europe.
Over the years, CBA has built up and strengthened a worldwide network of durable relationships with leading law firms in their respective Countries. The process of internationalization of companies has necessarily involved the internationalization of their service providers. Internationalization is therefore a response to globalization, and CBA has selected many points of reference in the various countries, i.e. local law firms that expressed specific excellences, in order to promote synergies and aggregations between Italian and local businesses and with the aim of enhancing their investments in Italy.

CBA set up a task force of experts with a view to monitoring the markets and create a privileged channel for inbound and outbound cross-border transactions. Through regular one-to-one meetings with selected investors, the team is in charge of submitting interesting investment opportunities to Italian companies that wish to cross the domestic sphere and expand their business abroad.
From France to the German-speaking Countries of Europe, along the revitalised Silk Road, with accurate stopovers in India and China, and overseas, reaching South America, and Brazil in particular, the CBA alliance network expands, subject to the needs of its Clients, whose interest in the emerging markets has been progressively increasing.

CBA is also a founding member of Belt & Road Service Connections BNRSC (Mr Angelo Bonissoni being its Co-Chairman), an association composed of world’s leading law firms, Chambers of Commerce and Agencies, to supply all the services necessary for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), one of the most prominent global investment plans (including but not limited to infrastructures) presented by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013.
On March 31st the President of the United States announced the so-called Made in America Tax Plan (MATP) whose report was released on April 7th. This is a tax reform of paramount importance not only because it aims at backing the ambitious American Jobs Plan expected to absorb large volumes of funding but also because its effectiveness relies on the interaction with the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) with respect to BEPS 2.0 work on Pillar Two towards a global minimum tax regime on income generated by multinationals. International tax law is expected to be profoundly impacted both by the final approval of BEPS 2.0 Pillar Two Blueprint and the introduction of the tax measures provided for by the MATP in the USA. In the light of this, CBA built a work team of professionals specialising in international tax matters, which will monitor the OECD’s works and the American legislative process related to the MATP, so as to become a reference point.
Angelo Bonissoni, Michele Citarella and Francesco Assegnati are part of the team.
Here available the complete document.
On Sat 5 June 2021, in London, the G7 (US, Canada, UK, Japan, Germany, France, and Italy) finance ministers reached a broad agreement on the introduction of the global minimum corporate tax at a rate of at least 15 %. Also, the intention to tax multinationals at the aforesaid minimum rate would entail an option to tax 20% of their profits above a 10 per cent margin in the place where sales are made and, therefore, irrespective of the place where such companies are present through their permanent establishments (so as to affect digital economies). As a consequence, the G7 agrees on the need for proper coordination between the application of the new international tax rules and the removal of digital services taxes which, in the meantime, have been patchily introduced in some countries.
To read more please click here.
CBA’s working team of specialists in international tax matters Angelo Bonissoni, Michele Citarella and Francesco Assegnati is available for further information.