CBA is recognized for its excellence in advising non-profit entities, our regular Clients being the most important entities in this sector, such as associations, foundations, committees, trusts, ecclesiastic bodies, vestry boards and, in general, societies active in the fields of culture, healthcare, university, recreational sports, including non-profit organizations under Italian law (Onlus); and for its regular cooperation with newspapers, vocational institutes, Research Centres and sectoral journals.
The recent approval of the Code of the Third Sector shows how important and relevant non-profit organizations have become in the Italian economic scenario.
Furthermore, the introduction of Benefit Companies (likewise BCorporations in the US) contributed to give rise to a connected and peculiar activity, namely the “profit for non-profit” business model.
Our Non-Profit Department comprises civil law and tax experts who boast long-standing and solid experience in providing integrated expertise to solve the specific issues of this sector; by virtue of our network of foreign experts and our lawyers specialized in international law, the Non-Profit Department is able to provide advice and compared analysis on different jurisdictions.
The Non-Profit Department work includes:
- Legal and tax consulting both at the time of incorporation and during the organization’s life (review of articles of association, transformation or dissolution)
- Preparation of tax and legal opinions, cooperation agreements with public entities and private structures
- Assistance in the selection of the best legal instruments, including with a view to optimizing the tax effect of the transactions implemented between the donor and the non-profit entity, or the latter’s proper operation
- Legal assistance in the trial and pre-trial phases between the organization’s members and their counterparties
- Management of all relationships with the competent authorities