The members of CBA’s Litigation Department assist our Italian and foreign Clients in their proceedings before the Italian judicial, administrative and tax authorities and other special bodies of jurisdiction, as well as in domestic and international arbitration proceedings.
Our solid knowledge of procedural, civil and commercial law and the close synergy among the various departments inspire CBA’s ability to offer Clients meaningful and effective assistance in all sectors, both under out-of-court settlement procedures, including alternative dispute resolution, or in the context of judicial proceedings.
CBA accrued solid experience in protecting its Clients’ rights in the scope of ad hoc arbitration proceedings, or before domestic or international arbitration institutions.
Our law firm’s organization and professional resources enable our fee earners to assist our Clients even under urgent circumstances, as high-quality standards of service are provided on a daily basis, in contemplation of tight deadlines.
In addition, our longstanding experience in international dispute resolution consolidated and refined CBA’s ability to assist its Italian and foreign Clients both in domestic and international disputes, in cooperation with its broad and consolidated cross-border network of primary law firms.
Clients seek our legal assistance in the following areas:
- Civil and succession law
- Corporate law and commercial law disputes
- Industrial, copyright and IT law
- Bankruptcy proceedings
- Misleading advertising
- Personal data protection
- Banking and financial intermediation law
- Professional liability
- Labour law
- Administrative law
- Sports law
- Tax litigation